Caribbean Safety and Security Net


Incident Reports by Country

Monthly Archive of CSSN Posts

Our Mission:

The Caribbean Safety and Security Net’s (CSSN) primary mission is the collection and dissemination of accurate information relating to crimes against yachts in the Caribbean, enabling cruisers to make intelligent decisions about how and where they cruise.

This is accomplished through the resources and information available on this website, Facebook and Twitter. The CSSN website includes  all of the current and historic information on reported incidents . Also you can see  all posts, (see News & Reports) information and links to a variety of other resources related to safety and security for cruisers (check out the menu at the TOP). Take a few minutes and explore our site.

“Know Before You Go!”

Submit Report – CSSN Incident Reporting Form

Report Incident to Caribbean Safety and Security Net

Report an incident here:

Thank you for your report!

Zoom-Tap, Know & Go – Know Before You Go Interactive Infographic Risk Assessment Tool












Regional Piracy Interactive Infographics

ZOOM-TAP Interactive InfoGraphics for Piracy in Central America and Trinidad/Grenada

Piracy in Central America – ZOOM-TAP on Marker Pin for incident detail.

See Piracy Passage Precautions – Central America

Piracy in Trinidad/Grenada  – ZOOM-TAP on Marker Pin for incident detail.


See Piracy Passage Precautions – Trinidad/Grenada

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