3462 – 2024-12-21 – Honduras – Roatan – Port Royal – Theft


CSSN Report
CSSN First Hand Report

DATE: 2024-12-21 22:00
LOCATION: Honduras – Roatan – Port Royal
EVENT: Theft
STOLEN ITEMS: 27’ panga / Yamaha 115 4 stroke model F115BET SN 6EK-X-1087782
DETAILS: Owners returned to their slip and found their locked 27’ panga had been stolen between 1930HRS and 0800HRS. Reports were made to the police and Port Captain .

Details : 27’ panga “la Orca” with 12’ permanent Bimini. aqua blue, orange trim and white inside. Yamaha 115 4 stroke model F115BET SN 6EK-X-1087782

UPDATE: panga was located in the mangroves near Diamond Rock (on the north coast) . All controls and electronics and 115HP -4S engine were stripped/stolen.

ID: 3462

3442 – 2024-12-01 – Honduras – Offshore07 – Suspicious Activity


CSSN Report
CSSN First Hand Report

DATE: 2024-12-01 05:00
LOCATION: Honduras – Offshore07
EVENT: Suspicious Activity
SECURED: Does not apply
DETAILS: A yacht was making a planned passage under sail from Livingston, Guatemala to The San Blas Islands, Panama. Three times during the passage the crew encountered fishing vessels that behaved in a suspicious manner. No radio communications were heard/made at any time.

The first encounter was at 0500HRS December 1, at position 16-29.51N 82-55.47W, approximately 100 nmiles off the Honduran coast. The yacht noticed the fishing vessel had turned and began tracking them at a distance of approximately 2 miles. The yacht tacked quickly, added engines/speed and headed NNW. After about 30 minutes the gap widened and the fishing vessel abandoned the pursuit.

The second encounter was at 1200HRS later that day at position 16-27.1N 82-26.6W, approximately 110 nmiles off the Honduran coast. The 55ft. fishing vessel had altered course to intercept. The yacht
again altered course to NNW , again motorsailing at full speed. Another fishing vessel appeared astern, and a third was spotted to port at a distance of about 3 miles. After about an hour all 3 fishing vessels turned back. The crew decided not to cross the Thunder Knoll channel and tacked north several times before turning east.

The third encounter was the next morning, 0800HRS December 2, at position 16-56.09N 80-49.64W, approximately 220 nmiles off the Honduran coast. A single fishing vessel again initiated an intercept course. Tacking again, the yacht increased speed and the gap and after about an hour the fishing vessel turned back. The yacht eventually turned southward leaving Serranilla bank to starboard and continued to the San Blas.
ID: 3442

3316 – 2024-05-19 – Honduras – Roatan – West End – Theft


CSSN Report
CSSN First Hand Report

DATE: 2024-05-19 17:00
LOCATION: Honduras – Roatan – West End
EVENT: Theft
STOLEN ITEMS: 2 fishing rods/reels, 1 recovered
SECURED: Not Locked
DETAILS: Cruisers arrived at West End, Roatan in their trawler and took a mooring. They went ashore during daylight hours with friends. When they returned they found their yacht had been boarded and 2 fishing rods/reels had been stolen from the the upper deck. They found and recovered one of them the next morning while snorkeling behind the yacht and suspect the thief may have dropped it in a hastened departure after meeting their dog.
ID: 3316

3314 – 2024-05-13 – Honduras – Roatan – Roatan Yacht Club – Burglary


CSSN Report
CSSN Second Hand Report

DATE: 2024-05-13 01:00
LOCATION: Honduras – Roatan – Roatan Yacht Club
EVENT: Burglary
STOLEN ITEMS: not determined, owners absent
DETAILS: An unoccupied yacht berthed at RYC was burglarized. No further details are currently available.

CSSN NOTE: If you are a victim please make a firsthand report here. The online form is quick/easy and private.
ID: 3314

3311 – 2024-05-10 – Honduras – Roatan – French Harbour – Theft


CSSN Report
CSSN First Hand Report

DATE: 2024-05-10 01:30
LOCATION: Honduras – Roatan – French Harbour
EVENT: Theft
STOLEN ITEMS: Dive gear and binoculars
SECURED: Not Locked
DETAILS: A yacht anchored in French Harbour was boarded while the owners were away for two days. The thieves were unable to enter the locked yacht, but stole dive gear and binoculars from an unlocked lazarette.
ID: 3311

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