2562 – 2021-01-26 – Sint Maarten (Kingdom of the Netherlands) – Simpson Bay Lagoon – Cole Bay – Theft


CSSN Report
CSSN First Hand Report

DATE: 2021-01-26 19:00
LOCATION: Sint Maarten (Kingdom of the Netherlands) – Simpson Bay Lagoon – Cole Bay
EVENT: Theft
STOLEN ITEMS: Dinghy/outboard
DETAILS: A dinghy locked to the Island Water World dock was stolen during the early evening hours, no further information is available.

CSSN NOTE: A great deal of activity has been noted but not reported in the SXM area recently.  If you are a victim, please complete a CSSN incident report.  If you know a victim, please ask them to make a report. If an incident is reported on the VHF net, or social media, please encourage a CSSN report ! It’s quick, easy, asks just the right questions, and it’s device friendly.
ID: 2562

2552 – 2020-12-22 – Sint Maarten (Kingdom of the Netherlands) – Grand Marche – Theft


CSSN Report
CSSN First Hand Report

DATE: 2020-12-22 20:00
LOCATION: Sint Maarten (Kingdom of the Netherlands) – Grand Marche
EVENT: Theft
STOLEN ITEMS: dinghy/outboard
SECURED: Not Locked
DETAILS: A yacht in the anchorage had its in-the-water and not locked dinghy stolen while the owners were onboard. They discovered the cut line at 8PM.
ID: 2552

DATE: 2019-02-23 20:00 Country Name: Sint Maarten (Dutch) Location Detail: Simpson Bay EVENT: Theft


DATE: 2019-02-23 20:00
Country Name: Sint Maarten (Dutch)
Location Detail: Simpson Bay
EVENT: Theft
Stolen Items: RIB/18 HP Tohatsu
SECURED: Not Locked
DETAILS: The sailing school RIB dinghy/18HP Tohatsu at the Sint Martin Yacht Club was stolen from the dock around 8PM. Video surveillance captured the theft which was reported to the police.

DATE: 2018-07-31 02:00 Country Name: Sint Maarten (Dutch) Location Detail: Simpson Bay Lagoon EVENT: Theft


Second Hand Riport
CSSN Second Hand Report

DATE: 2018-07-31 02:00
Country Name: Sint Maarten (Dutch)
Location Detail: Simpson Bay Lagoon
EVENT: Theft
Stolen Items: Bimini frame and mounting plates
SECURED: Not Locked
DETAILS: The bimini frame and mounting plates were stolen in June/July from an unoccupied yacht stored on a mooring near Bobby’s marina in Simpson Bay.

DATE: 2018-06-08 02:00 Country Name: Sint Maarten (Dutch) Location Detail: Simpson Bay EVENT: Theft


Second Hand Riport
CSSN Second Hand Report

DATE: 2018-06-08 02:00
Country Name: Sint Maarten (Dutch)
Location Detail: Simpson Bay
EVENT: Theft
Stolen Items: dinghy/outboard, cellphones and laptop
SECURED: Not Locked
DETAILS: Owners were asleep onboard their unlocked catamaran, berthed at Blue Pearl Marina. It was boarded overnight and the dinghy/outboard, cellphones and laptop were taken. The dinghy/outboard was found the next day, hidden nearby. It is not known if a police report was made.


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