DATE: 2015-03-24 03:00 Country Name: St. Martin (French) Location Detail: Lagoon EVENT: Theft


Security Matters - Caribbean Safety and Security Net

DATE: 2015-03-24 03:00
Country Name: St. Martin (French)
Location Detail: Lagoon
EVENT: Theft
Stolen Items: Dinghy with engine was stolen
DETAILS: Dinghy was locked by a cable to the aft pulpit. Overnight, the lock was cut. Went looking for the dingy in the morning and found it. It was tied to a fence at a small apartment complex located in the lagoon, across from the French entrance. Prop was damaged.

Shoreside – Another Attempted Grab and Run – St Martin, Marigot

200509525-0012015-01-29 14:00

First hand report :
“We had just left a restaurant after dining for lunch in a well populated restaurant area across the road from the ferry service outside Marina Fort Louis. We were eyed by two black Antillies young men aged aprox 18 – 20 both were clean shaven and well dressed. One approached on foot and grabbed the necklace with the gold charm from the front of my neck, I tried to grab it back and told him he wasn’t having it, but only managed to hold onto the gold chain. The gold yacht charm fell to the ground and he picked it up and walked to a little foot scooter he had parked with his mate who was on a small push bicycle. They then rode off. We reported to the Gendamarrie who advised us this was the third reported incident of this type to tourist in the same area.”

Shoreside – Attempted Grab and Run – St Martin, Marigot


200509525-0012015-01-27 16:25  

While a cruiser was seated at a sidewalk cafe in Marigot, a young (18-25) male approached from behind and attempted to rip a gold chain from the neck. He made three attempts, breaking the chain and ripping the cruiser’s shirt, then fled without the chain when victim  stood and turned to confront him.

CSSN Note: Sometimes confrontation works… and when it does it can feel empowering; but this could have also ended badly.


St. Martin (French) LOCATION: Lagoon EVENT: Theft 2014-07-25 02:00


Security Matters - Caribbean Safety and Security NetDATE: 2014-07-25 02:00
COUNTRY: St. Martin (French)
EVENT: Theft
Stolen Items: dinghy – 12 ft. whaler with 15 HP Mercury outboard
SECURED: Unknown
DETAILS: dinghy stolen from Nettle Bay area (lagoon, French side). 12 ft. Whaler with 15 HP Mercury outboard. Details incomplete – not known if locked, or if reported to local authorities

MULTIPLE CRIMES against cruisers in St. Martin


Security Matters - Caribbean Safety and Security Net(DATE: 2014-02-07)  CSSN has received an unprecedented number of reports from concerned cruisers in St Martin. Details are incomplete,  but during the last 6 weeks there have been at least 10 incidents :

2 burglaries of  unoccupied boats (owners off island) , Witches Tit, french side lagoon, during the last 7 -10 days
4 dinghy thefts, locations not clear, also not clear if locked, but seem to be from docks (including marinas) vs alongside boats
3 attempted thefts, nighttime (borders deterred/scared off) locations not specified, but French and Dutch sides mentioned
1 burglary, multiple electronics stolen from locked boat, daytime, location not specified, maybe Witches Tit

It is not known if any reports have been made to authorities but it seems unlikely that any effective actions have been taken, as these types of events continue to occur at an alarming and increasing rate, at many locations.  If you plan to visit St Martin (either side, marina, lagoon or outside) please take appropriate precautions and secure your dinghy and boat at all times in all locations. Please report all incidents to CSSN as well as on the local VHF net.

CSSN relies on the cruising community to report events as they occur, our goal is to provide accurate and timely information to the Caribbean wide cruising community – please contact us with details !

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