(DATE: 2014-02-07) CSSN has received an unprecedented number of reports from concerned cruisers in St Martin. Details are incomplete, but during the last 6 weeks there have been at least 10 incidents :
2 burglaries of unoccupied boats (owners off island) , Witches Tit, french side lagoon, during the last 7 -10 days
4 dinghy thefts, locations not clear, also not clear if locked, but seem to be from docks (including marinas) vs alongside boats
3 attempted thefts, nighttime (borders deterred/scared off) locations not specified, but French and Dutch sides mentioned
1 burglary, multiple electronics stolen from locked boat, daytime, location not specified, maybe Witches Tit
It is not known if any reports have been made to authorities but it seems unlikely that any effective actions have been taken, as these types of events continue to occur at an alarming and increasing rate, at many locations. If you plan to visit St Martin (either side, marina, lagoon or outside) please take appropriate precautions and secure your dinghy and boat at all times in all locations. Please report all incidents to CSSN as well as on the local VHF net.
CSSN relies on the cruising community to report events as they occur, our goal is to provide accurate and timely information to the Caribbean wide cruising community – please contact us with details !