CSSN News – CSSN Welcomes the Salty Dawgs


CSSN News – CSSN Welcomes the Salty Dawgs sdsa
CSSN welcomes the 81 boats in the Salty Dawg 2016 fall rally fleet to North Sound, Virgin Gorda. They departed Hampton, VA in early November. The Caribbean Safety and Security Net congratulates participants on their safe arrival and wishes all a safe cruising season, wherever their travels in the region might take them. CSSN hopes those who are new to the Caribbean, and those who are returning will utilize the many resources made available at the CSSN website www.safetyandsecuritynet.org . Check out our FAQ to get a quick overview, or use our powerful Search function to locate specific information of interest quickly, drill down on the details of the HOTSpots info graphic and don’t’ forget to sign up for (free) ALERTS, stay well informed and Know Before You Go !