CSSN has agreed to a request by the victims to REMOVE their submitted firsthand report (never published), and as a consequence our previously published PRELIMINARY 2nd hand report CSSN ALERT! 2991, Robbery -West End Roatan, Bay Islands, Honduras.
CSSN ALERT! 2889, Theft (same location) has been UPDATED to correct details (date, police report made) and newly reflect its firsthand status. Originally, these 2 secondhand reports were not known to be related.
Because of the serious nature of some reports, an overriding concern for the immediate safety of the cruising community may at times necessitate PRELIMINARY reports. We strive to make our reports as complete, accurate and timely as possible, and can only do so with the help of victims and the community. The all volunteer CSSN team appreciates the patience and understanding of the cruising community as incidents are submitted and then vetted/finalized.
CSSN wants to remind everyone of the importance of timely firsthand reports, and also thank those who made good faith secondhand reports. We have made reporting easy, with a quick/easy online form. Every report we receive is acknowledged (usually by email). If you are a victim, make a timely report. If you encounter a victim, encourage and support a firsthand report – we have a shared responsibility to keep our community well informed.