DATE: 2016-02-14 Country Name: SVG Location Detail: St. Vincent Buccament Bay EVENT: Theft


Security Matters ~ The Caribbean Safety and Security Net

CSSN First Hand Report
CSSN First Hand Report

DATE: 2016-02-14
Country Name: SVG
Location Detail: St. Vincent Buccament Bay
EVENT: Theft
Stolen Items: Two pairs of flip flops
SECURED: Not Locked
DETAILS: A yacht at anchor had raised and locked their dinghy on stern davits for the night. The yacht itself was fully closed and locked as well. At approximately 2130 hours the captain was awakened by noise against the deck/hull and went to investigate. He discovered three men with scarves covering their heads and faces, rummaging in the hoisted dinghy. The men immediately rowed away in their hard local dinghy. The captain made calls on VHF 16/68 to the SVG Coast Guard, but had no response. They informed the one other yacht in the bay and re-anchored closer to the hotel. The next day it was discovered that canvas covers on forward hatches had been slashed and two pairs of flip flops had been taken from the dinghy. The yacht departed for Bequia the next morning, and made a police report there.

CSSN NOTE: While the report to local officials was made in a timely way, this report has just been received by CSSN and is included now for completeness of the records.