DATE: 2018-01-25 22:30
Country Name: St. Lucia
Location Detail: Rodney Bay Reduit Beach
EVENT: Theft
Stolen Items: dinghy/outboard
SECURED: Not Locked
DETAILS: A dinghy was stolen from a not specified dock in Rodney Bay. It was not locked to the dock, but the engine was locked to the dinghy. It was apparently taken to the Redduit beach area and the outboard and fuel tank lock defeated, and then set adrift. A cruiser anchored in the bay noticed it drifting by his yacht at 10:30 PM and rescued it, and the next day turned the engineless dinghy in to Customs who located the owner. It is not known if a police report was made by the owner.
CSSN NOTE: This is the third dinghy incident reported to CSSN in the last month in the Rodney Bay area, use Zoom-Tap, Know & Go to easily review activity in the Rodney Bay area