DATE: 2019-12-03 12:00
LOCATION: Martinique (France) – Fort de France
EVENT: Attempted theft
STOLEN ITEMS: attempted to steal dinghy fuel tank
DETAILS: A dinghy was securely locked to the dinghy dock near the fort at about 1100 HRS. When the owners returned at 1715 HRS they discovered that thieves had attempted to steal the fuel tank, and fuel line. The thieves had used a sharp knife to cut the fuel tank and oar retaining straps, and disconnected the fuel line at the engine, but were unable to defeat the stainless chain and lock that secured the tank to the engine and the dinghy, or the hard to access tie wraps that secured the fuel line to the tank. The straps that held the oars were cut, but the oars were not taken.
ID: 2418