DATE: 2019-12-04 19:30
LOCATION: Saint Vincent and the Grenadines – Bequia – Admiralty Bay (Port Elizabeth)
EVENT: Theft
STOLEN ITEMS: Dinghy light and dinghy anchor/rode
SECURED: Not Locked
DETAILS: Owners left their dinghy securely chain locked to the Port Elizabeth municipal dinghy dock In Bequia. Between 1900-2000 HRS a thief with tools removed the outboard cowling and stole the stern light mounted there, and then also stole the stern anchor and rode which was stored inside the dinghy (not in use). An informal report was made to the police by phone that night, and the yacht departed early the next morning.
ID: 2419
CSSN NOTE: This is the 5th report of similar thefts from dinghy docks in Bequia this year.