3175 – 2023-12-22 – Saint Vincent and the Grenadines – Mayreau – Saline Bay – Assault


CSSN Report
CSSN First Hand Report

DATE: 2023-12-22 18:30
LOCATION: Saint Vincent and the Grenadines – Mayreau – Saline Bay
EVENT: Assault
DETAILS: A cruiser returned to his beached dinghy in Saline Bay at approximately 18:30HRS. He was attacked by a man with a machete, and thrown down on the sand and held there with a knee to his back.

The attacker demanded his money and “gold”. The cruiser told him there was 5 ECD in the wallet in the dinghy and was asked if there was money on the boat. The cruiser told him only the 5 ECD as there was no ATM on Mayreau. He wore no watch or jewelry.

The attacker threatened to cut off his head and told him to remain down, which he did as the assailant moved away into the trees. After a short time he called out that he could go. The cruiser was not injured, did not look back  and rowed to a friends boat nearby. The 5 ECD was left behind.

The next day a police report was made.
ID: 3175