DATE: 2024-01-07 02:00
LOCATION: Saint Lucia – Soufriere
EVENT: Attempted Theft
STOLEN ITEMS: not successful
DETAILS: At 0200HRS when it began to rain the crew of a yacht on a Soufriere Marine Management Association (SMMA) mooring off Malgretout beach awakened and closed a hatch as it started to rain. This likely startled a boarder who tripped and then fell back into the RIB dinghy that had been positioned alongside the yacht, in an apparent attempt to avoid the well lit cockpit. From a portlight the captain observed 3 hooded men in the RIB and then began yelling at the boarders. The 3 hooded men abandoned their attempt, started their outboard and left. It is not known if the boarders carried weapons.
The yacht made ready and departed for Rodney Bay ten minutes later.
A report was made to the SMMA. The victims also contacted the Marine Police who did not answer their phone, and a voice message was left, but no contact has been made with the victim.
ID: 3208