DATE: 2024-03-27 20:30
LOCATION: Colombia – Cabo de la Vela
EVENT: Attempted Robbery
STOLEN ITEMS: Unsuccessful
DETAILS: A yacht made an unplanned stop at 1700HRS at Cabo de Las Vela to wait for more favorable sailing conditions, planning to depart at 0300HRS. No other yachts were anchored there. At 2030HRS they heard voices and found three masked men in a boat tied to their stern. Communications were difficult but the boarders were clearly told NO and asked, then told to leave.
The boarders were becoming more aggressive. The crew had prepared with bear spray, and used it on the first man who continued his attempt to climb aboard. He retreated but a second man began to board. They were using/swinging large poles in an attempt to subdue the crew. Both crew then shot more bear spray and the 3 men finally retreated to their boat and departed.
The crew made a VHF call (no response) and immediately departed.
ID: 3264