DATE: 2024-12-08 00:30
LOCATION: Saint Martin (France) – Lagoon – Witch’s Tit
EVENT: Attempted Theft
STOLEN ITEMS: None, not successful
DETAILS: A yacht anchored on the French side of the lagoon experienced an attempted boarding at 0030HRS. The yacht’s security alarm and lights were activated and scared the thieves away. The French police were called
and language made it very difficult. Video footage was sent online to the French authorities. The Dutch Coast Guard was called but the incident was outside their jurisdiction.
Several hours later a yacht on the Dutch side of the lagoon also experienced a similar boarding incident where the thieves prevailed. See 3434.
At 0430HRS the thieves returned for a second attempt. The 2 thieves were again captured in video surveillance, and arrived in a large dinghy with 2 engines. A small electric/trolling engine (for quiet approach) and a larger outboard for getaway. They again departed quickly when discovered apparently unconcerned about video surveillance made obvious by signage. Officials (Dutch and French) were again notified of the attempted boarding.
ID: 3429