CSSN again welcomes the Salty Dawgs, 50 yachts comprised the 10th annual Salty Dawg Rally to the Caribbean. With careful planning and preparations amidst the challenges of Covid-19, 34 yachts arrived safely in Antigua, 12 in the Bahamas/Florida and 4 in the USVI from Hampton, Virginia and other east coast ports. Always a diverse fleet, this year’s fleet included 10 foreign flagged vessels, with monohulls (69%) and catamarans (31%) with 179 crew, including 8 yachts with kids on board. This year’s group includes seasoned veterans of the rally and the Caribbean as well as first timers, experiencing Caribbean cruising for the first time. Many will venture onward or remain in the Caribbean, with others returning to the US with the Salty Dawg Spring Rally, departing for the US in May 2021.
CSSN wishes all new and returning Dawgs safe and secure cruising, and we are glad to share our many resources with this well informed group. It’s easy to Know Before You Go ! Visit and bookmark www.safetyandsecuritynet.org and if you have not already, subscribe to our very popular ALERTS!, and use our popular Zoom-Tap, Know &Go maps as you plan your cruising adventure.