3213 – 2024-01-16 – Puerto Rico (US) – Big Island – Salinas – Vandalism


CSSN Report
CSSN First Hand Report

DATE: 2024-01-16 13:24
LOCATION: Puerto Rico (US) – Big Island – Salinas
EVENT: Vandalism
STOLEN ITEMS: Dinghy intentionally damaged. Hole punctured through a tube completely from one side to the other
SECURED: Does not apply
DETAILS: With permission from the Marina de Salinas, owners left their dinghy at their dock at 0900HRS. At 1700HRS when they returned the bow chamber of their 11’AB was completely deflated. They were able to return to their yacht and upon inspection found that there were matching/aligning holes on both sides of the tube that were also present in their reinforced chaps. A report was made to the marina and the police.
ID: 3213

3032 – 2023-05-25 – Grenada – Grenada – Prickly Bay – Vandalism


CSSN Report
CSSN First Hand Report

DATE: 2023-05-25 00:53
LOCATION: Grenada – Grenada – Prickly Bay
EVENT: Vandalism
STOLEN ITEMS: Nothing taken
DETAILS: Between 19 – 25 May a yacht on a mooring near the Coast Guard station in Prickly Bay was vandalized. The hired guardian discovered the companionway padlock had been broken and the interior was rummaged. It did not appear that anything was taken. A report was made to the Coast Guard.
ID: 3032

3025 – 2023-04-12 – Saint Vincent and the Grenadines – Union – Clifton Harbor – Vandalism


CSSN Report
CSSN First Hand Report

DATE: 2023-04-12 00:30
LOCATION: Saint Vincent and the Grenadines – Union – Clifton Harbor
EVENT: Vandalism
STOLEN ITEMS: none, line cut
DETAILS: A yacht was approached and led to a non-park mooring and what was perceived as a high fee ($80ECD) was demanded, then refused, and then the boat was taken to one of the park moorings and a proper Marine Park ticket/voucher given for payment. A lot of harsh words were exchanged.

That night, the yacht’s mooring line was cut and the boat went adrift, the crew was awakened by the unusual motion of the boat at 0030HRS. The crew managed to avert disaster and were very close to going aground/striking the concrete dock.

The next morning another young man arrived at 0500 and asked to be paid for his “services” although he had not been involved in any way. When examined closely it was clear that many sharp cuts had been made on the yacht’s mooring line. The crew visited the Marine Park offices later that day and after some discussion the overnight fee ($60ECD) was waived given the circumstances, and the yacht departed.

CSSN has asked the Marine Park manager to clarify the mooring selection/payment process for their moorings and the role/payment of boat boys . We will publish an update when this is received.

UPDATE:  Lesroy Noel, the Tobago Cay Marine Park manager has clarified the options available to yachts visiting Clifton, Harbour. The helpful details are contained in this CSSN News report.


ID: 3025

2974 – 2023-02-06 – Saint Lucia – Pitons – Vandalism


DATE: 2023-02-06 15:00

CSSN Report
CSSN First Hand Report


LOCATION: Saint Lucia – Pitons
EVENT: Vandalism
STOLEN ITEMS: boat hook destroyed
DETAILS: A cruising yacht approached the SMMA moorings between the Pitons intending to practice mooring pickup and self-moor. They were intercepted by aggressive boat boys who demanded excessive payment for unwanted services, which were declined. When the yacht attempted to pickup the mooring their boat hook became entangled in the lines which had been tied off underwater. The boat boys immediately retrieved the boat hook and then maliciously bent it, making it unusable. The boat boys were paid a fee in excess of the customary $20ECD recommended by the SMMA park rangers, and they hung at the boat in a menacing manner demanding additional payment for sometime before departing.
ID: 2974

2919 – 2022-11-24 – Martinique (France) – St. Anne – Vandalism


CSSN Report
CSSN First Hand Report

DATE: 2022-11-24 09:00
LOCATION: Martinique (France) – St. Anne
EVENT: Vandalism
DETAILS: Utilizing their guidebook information, owners locked their dinghy to the Caritan, St. Anne dinghy dock at 0830HRS. When they returned from the nearby laundry at 0950HRS they found the dinghy had been vandalized. The bowline had been untied, (lock remained in place) the throttle handle had been broken off and the dinghy had been filled with garbage including metal grates, conch shells, fenders and antifreeze bottles.

CSSN NOTE: This is the 4th report of vandalism at this dock in 2022, and thefts of dinghies in the nearby anchorage add another 5 incidents, making this anchorage/dinghy dock the most active for the region in 2022.
Understand the details from the Zoom -Tap, Know & Go map.
ID: 2919

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