The Caribbean Safety and Security Net (CSSN) Welcomes The Salty Dawgs Rally to the BVI and the Caribbean

Security Matters - Caribbean Safety and Security NetThe Caribbean Safety and Security Net (CSSN) Welcomes The Salty Dawgs

Congratulations on your safe arrival to the BVI. For those of you who are new to the region, or those returning after an absence, The Caribbean Safety and Security Net (CSSN) offers you information to help you cruise the Caribbean safely.

The Caribbean Safety and Security Net (CSSN)’s primary mission is the collection and dissemination of accurate information relating to crimes against yachts in the Caribbean, enabling cruisers to make intelligent, well informed decisions about how and where they cruise.

This is accomplished through the resources and information available on our website, Facebook, Twitter and RSS feed. The CSSN website includes all of the current and historic information on reported incidents. We provide a variety of other valuable information as well.

CSSN invites you to check out our website

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Even if you are familiar with CSSN, check out the newest features and improvements to our site.

    • 2015 HOT SPOTS info-graphic – see all this year’s incident reports at a glance… then go to the spreadsheet and drill down to specific location and incident detail
    • Use the powerful site SEARCH box to find the latest NEWS&REPORTS for any location or any time frame.
    • The Islands Reports tab gives you access to the entire 10-year historic database of crimes against cruisers reported to CSSN, and it is easily sorted/customized to any area/island/anchorage you choose.
    • The Precautions lists , where you will find helpful suggestions about protecting your property and yourself, contributed by other cruisers.
    • The Boatwatch tab will tell you how and provide links that you can share with your friends and family to use if they need make emergency contact with you.
    • And there is much much more.

But most importantly, click the icon to sign up for our very popular ALERTS! which will deliver privately to your email inbox all future CSSN incident reports and NEWS items, keeping you up to date on the latest events. You can now choose full or low bandwidth mode subscriptions, on whatever schedule you desire.

And of course, it’s all FREE. CSSN has no advertisers or sponsors; and we won’t share your details with anyone, ever. We rely on the cruising community to self-report, (use the easy Incident Reporting icon) for the benefit of all.

So, settle in and then take a few minutes and check us out, bookmark the CSSN site, and sign up for ALERTS!, making it simple to …

Know Before You Go!