This safety and security voice net began in 1996 by Frank Zachar on Vagabond Tiger, in an effort to alert the cruisers in Venezuela about frequent outboard and dinghy thefts occurring that summer in the region. Subsequently, Bob and Robin Jones on Elixer (now Buster) took over the Net, coining the name “Caribbean Safety and Security Net“, and started keeping a paper log of security events. They were assisted and eventually replaced by Don and Judith Kline on Daisy D.
Don began keeping the first electronic records in a Paradox database. Don was joined by Melodye and John Pompa on Second Millennium for backup and relays. Melodye became the Net Controller in August 1999 and in 2007, she developed the first website, www.safetyandsecuritynet.com, which included five years of historic data. Based on her considerable experience she added information that addressed the most frequently asked questions that came up on the net. With Melodye and John’s move ashore in June 2012, Harm Brink of Horta took over the responsibilities of Net Control.
In early 2013, Kim White of Gabrielle with the assistance of other knowledgeable and dedicated cruisers developed and administered our first user survey, collecting information necessary to help chart the future of CSSN.
Mary Stone of Ms. Astor joined the team in June of 2014 and served in a technical capacity first as webmaster and later doing special projects until December, 2017.
Ken Kurlychek of Mary T joined the team in April 2016, taking the lead in technical matters.
In November 2016, CSSN welcomed Oliver O’Sullivan, of Lady Alice De Serk as associate webmaster.
Laura Roy, of Siella, joined our growing volunteer team In January 2019 and served until October, 2019.
In December, 2020, Ryan and Caroline Spott of Fizzgig were welcomed to the CSSN team.
Kim continues to provide overall coordination of CSSN activities, with the help and support of the all-volunteer CSSN team.
The First Caribbean Safety and Security Users Survey
If you participated in our survey, thanks very much. We received nearly three hundred responses and your input will help us determine future directions.
We asked, you answered, and as promised, below are the results of the CSSN 2013 User Survey. The CSSN team appreciates your participation!