DATE: 2019-02-12 21:00 Country Name: Dominica Location Detail: Soufriere EVENT: Burglary


CSSN First Hand Report
CSSN First Hand Report

DATE: 2019-02-12 21:00
Country Name: Dominica
Location Detail: Soufriere
EVENT: Burglary
Stolen Items: cellphone and personal electronics
DETAILS: A yacht visiting Dominica to provide aid had special permission to use a mooring off Soufriere. When the owners returned to their yacht at about 9:30 PM they found a deck hatch on their well locked monohull had been damaged and pried open using a piece of rebar that the thieves left behind. The thieves stole a cellphone and other personal electronics. A police report was made. The police visited the yacht and took photographs, but more than a week later have yet to provide the promised copy of the report.