(DATE: 2016-10-16) An enthusiastic team of cruisers and locals have worked together to launch the English language Martinique Cruisers Net. The VHF net is being launched to welcome visiting yachts to the island, promote yachting safety and security, share useful information, provide answers to FAQ’s and open a channel for social interaction and activity planning.
The net will operate on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays beginning October 17, 2016, at 0815 AST on VHF channel 08, and will serve Le Marin, St. Anne and surrounding waters. They plan to expand to 6 day coverage in high season.
There is a corresponding Facebook group Martinique Cruisers Information:
If you’re in range of Le Marin / St. Anne, plan to tune in and join the Martinique Cruisers Net!